This was a short 70 min in class prototyping and testing session. We were given the following perimeters for the functionality our design should support:
MODE (allow the system to be in 3 different modes)
- OFF: not controlling the heating system
- RUN: on, controlling the heating system
- SET: allow you to program the desired temperatures in the house
PERIOD (allow different target temperatures for 4 different periods of time during the day)
- MORNING (when you wake up and before you leave for work)
- DAY (after you leave for work and before you come home)
- EVENING (home from work and before going to bed)
- NIGHT (while you are sleeping)
STATUS (show the current status of the system)
- TEMPERATURE: CURRENT and TARGET (the current temperature of the house, and the desired target temperature)
- MODE: OFF/RUN/SET (in which mode the system is currently operating)
- HEAT: ON/OFF (the current status of the heating system — ON means the heater is running, raising the temperature to the desired target. OFF means it is not running, since the current temperature is at or above the target.)
- allow you to set the desired temperature for each of the 4 time periods during the day
- each time period must be able to be set to a different target temperature
- Add air conditioning to your system, so that the thermostat can cool off the house if it gets too warm (like one of those rare Seattle August days).
- Allow the user to change the start and end times of the 4 time periods of the day.
- Add a scheme for defining different time periods on the weekends.
This is the the system I came up with through brainstorming and prototyping and feedback from tests I did on the system with my peers as users.