A volunteer design project for a local Seattle women's choir
I volunteered to design the program for Ancora's Postcards show after attending their winter performance and becoming interested in the process of program layout design. I learned that the current design process they were working with was one of the choir members putting something together a few days before the performance. This was a pretty quick project that involved taking inspiration from past programs and the information provided to me by the board of directors and then going through a few cycles of feedback and suggestions with the president of the board and the artistic director of the choir to make sure the program contained all the necessary information for those attending the performance and fit the choir's aesthetic vision.
The most difficult part of this project was fitting all the information needed into the limited space provided by the medium. The theme of the concert was pieces from all over the world,so the program insert contained the translations of the lyrics of the songs that were being sung for the audience to follow along. A challenge here was that all that information and information about the composers needed to fit on a signal insert page. The final decision we came to was to remove the composer information (which itself was a full two pages of text) and put it on the Ancora website. This doubled as a way to bring the audience to the site to see future performances and other information about the choir.
I improved and adapted this program to use as a template for future programs. I created a full color version with more room for a variety of elements that vary from performance to performance. From there I passed the template on the choir president to modify to fit future concerts.
Additionally from the initial cover format I had created, I made a poster template to advertise future concerts and help draw a larger audience.